PWA is the latest ‘buzzword’ in market today. PWA is a combination of best of web capabilities and best of apps. In today’s scenario where mobile usage has increased and everybody is targeting to the users by through mobile apps To overcome this the new term “PWA” has been introduced which uses the latest technologies to give the experience of mobile app using latest browsers.

Benefits of  PWA app

  • Load fast
  • work offline
  • Launch from home screen
  • Receive push notification

Why PWA needed ?

Reach – As you know people spent more time on phones and a user cannot install each and every app in his/her mobile . With PWA you can increase the reach and give same experience to the user what native apps give. This way you can reach to more customers without getting your app installed.

Conversion – In some scenario because of slow network , the user does not able to browse the application and this take away the user from the website. The beauty of the PWA is that is works in offline mode and bind the customer even in slow network

Economical : The cost involved to develop the native application is too high as it require dedicated resources to develop the application for different platform.Whereas PWA drastically reduce the cost of development in comparison to native apps.

How to go forward ?

To develop the PWA apps , there are many frameworks available which can help to develop apps.

Few are mentioned below:

  • Ionic Framework — This is popular framework to create hybrid and PWA apps . It uses Angular and Typescript .
  • Angular
  • React JS
  • Vue


Even though PWA is next big thing , but there are few challenges which we cannot run away. Most of the latest browsers like Chrome , FireFox  but there are few browsers like IE , Safari ,Edge are not supporting PWA as of now , but it seems they will gradually adapt this.